My son recently turned 10! It’s still hard for me to believe it’s been a whole decade since our family became complete. For me, my children’s birthdays are very special. Everyone gets to celebrate holidays, but birthdays are their own special day. It’s a day to reflect on how much our lives and family changed when they were born. Because of this, I let them choose how they would like to celebrate each year.
In the past, my son (the self-proclaimed “Disnerd”) has always opted to stay at a Disney hotel and visit one of the theme parks. But this year he surprised me when he said he wanted to have a party. And not just any party, a taekwondo party!
My son has been studying taekwondo at Victory Martial Arts, which is located in Summerport Village in Windermere for over a year. He decided it would be the perfect place for his celebration! Of course, I immediately began scouring Pinterest in search of taekwondo party ideas but quickly realized there were almost none to be found.
I decided to take whatever inspiration I found along with some good old creativity and come up with some things that would work for us. All of these ideas can easily be tweaked to fit any type of martial arts or ninja theme, I just chose to use the real names and terms in reference to taekwondo.

I used store bought items and turned them into some cute party snacks like Twinkies and licorice laces made into nunchucks, rainbow colored Twizzlers tied into a knot to look like martial arts belts, and juice boxes with paper and ribbon decorated like a uniform.

I had planned to order a plain white frosted cake and find a way to decorate it myself because I couldn’t find a bakery that carried anything similar. But while flipping through the design book at our local Walmart bakery, I started chatting with the lovely ladies that work there and they offered to create a custom cake for me. I didn’t even know that they did that and I’m so thrilled with how it came out!

I had such a fun time coming up with all the ideas and putting everything together. The employees at Victory helped me by making sure I had the correct name and spelling for the snacks, like the Bahng Mahng Ee rock candies which I’m pretty sure I described as “the stick things they hit each other with.”

And no party is complete without plenty of pizza to keep hungry boys happy!

The staff at Victory did such an amazing job with the activities. My son got to be “black belt for a day” and got to help lead his friends in a short class. They also created an obstacle course for the kids and led them in some fun games.

Then my son’s friends cheered him on as he got to break a board with his hand! The kids loved all the games and activities and it was so fun to watch them.

After the activities, it was time for food and cake. The kids enjoyed all the treats I made and of course, devoured the pizza. Then after we sang Happy Birthday to him, my son got to cut his own cake with a sword! All the other boys were amazed and thought this was so cool.

I got so many comments from the other parents about what a great party it was. The thing we all liked the most was how the Victory staff ran everything. The kids had a blast but it was still very organized. Some children’s parties are chaotic and stressful but this kept the kids engaged while enjoying themselves.

Another thing we liked was that the party was an hour and a half long. I know that weekend time is precious and most people don’t want to spend their entire day at a kid’s party. The shorter time frame also meant there wasn’t a lot of time for the kids to get bored. They went quickly from one activity to the next to maximize their time.

It was great hosting a party and not having to worry about spending days getting my house ready for company. All we had to do was show up with a few decorations and some food and everything else was taken care of for us! The party included a taekwondo instructor and his helpers to run everything while the parents got to relax and chat. I couldn’t have asked for more!
If your child is considering a birthday party that will impress their friends and be a ton of fun, I’d highly recommend VictoryMartial Arts in Windermere!