I realized that every time I hang out with another mom, the first topics that always arise are always motherhood challenges and how hard it is to lose the baby pouch.
We won’t touch the topic of motherhood, but we can definitely look into some ways you can start losing that baby pouch.
Simple Core Exercises
This simple 20- minute routine can be done from home. No equipment is necessary, but if you want to challenge yourself add some weight to some of the moves.
Do 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions each.
Tip: Keep your tail bone rotated under just a little bit, so it can start engaging everything. When you squeeze and you drive through the heels you will get more activation which is what you want.
After having kids, our core isn’t as strong as it used to be. So this simple routine will help you to strengthen those muscles again!

What other types of workouts do you enjoy doing?