Did you know that there is one thing that can help you keep up with your kids? You know those times at the park when they want you to play tag or chase them for no reason?
If you feel like you are about to pass out after running and are short of breath you need some cardio in your life! There are so many health benefits, and you don’t need a gym to get it done.
Some of the multiple benefits of cardio:
- It helps you burn fat and calories for weight loss.
- It makes your heart strong so that it doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood.
- It increases your lung capacity.
- It helps reduce your risk of heart attack, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some forms of cancer.
- It makes you feel good, and can even provide temporary relief from depression and anxiety.
- It helps you sleep better.
- It helps reduce stress.
- It improves your sex life.
- It gives you more confidence in how you look and feel.
Weight-bearing cardio exercise helps increase your bone density. It allows you to set a good example for your family. The great thing about cardio is that you don’t have to work out for an hour at a high-intensity to get the benefits. Even a little goes a long way. A 15-minute walk outside can improve your endurance.
Check out these simple exercises to get you started!
Cardio Series Warm Up
Cardio Series Exercises
What other cardio routines do you enjoy doing?