Celebrate the Halloween season with these fun activities for the kids. Here are some of our favorites that require little to no preparation and serve as great entertainment for the little ones.
Knuckle Print Pumpkins

What You Need:
- black construction paper
- green and orange fingerpaint
Have your child paint their knuckles with the orange paint and then press down on the black construction paper to make little pumpkins. Make a green stem by adding a little bit of paint to their fingertips and having them dot the top of each orange pumpkin with it.
Masking Tape Mummy

What You Need:
- Black card stock
- Masking Tape
- Googly Eyes
- Glue
- Scissors
- White Crayon
Trace the outline of the mummy with the white crayon. Have your child cut out different lengths of the masking tape and place them all over the black card stock, preferably leaving the areas with the white crayon visible. After they finish, cut out the mummy outline. Finally, glue some googly eyes to your mummy!
Pumpkin Counting Activity

What You Need:
- Pumpkin cutouts (found these at Target Dollar Spot or you can cut out your own using construction paper or card stock)
- Pumpkin erasers, orange pom poms, anything that you would like to use for counting.
- Black Marker
Number each of the pumpkin cutouts from 1-10 (or any range of numbers you would like your child to practice) and have them place the correct number of erasers, pom poms, etc in each of the pumpkins.
Mini Playdough Pumpkins

What You Need:
- Playdough
- Googly Eyes
- popsicle sticks
- any other craft items that are safe for your child to decorate with
This was such a simple setup that provided a good amount of entertainment. Place all the items on a tray and simply let your child’s imagination run free as they have fun creating and decorating mini playdough pumpkins!
Witch’s Brew

What You Need:
- 4 Mini cauldrons (you can find these at the Dollar Store, Target, etc or use any small plastic container)
- Baking Soda
- Food Coloring
- Vinegar
This was a fun pouring activity for my little one! Pour a small amount (about 1 tablespoon or so) of baking soda in each of the cauldrons or containers. Add a few drops of food coloring in each one, using one color for each of the cauldrons. Pour a small amount of vinegar in a safe, plastic container to give to your child. Have them pour a small amount of vinegar from the container in each of the cauldrons to see the liquid inside start bubbling and changing colors before their eyes!
What are some other Halloween themed activities that you like to do with your kids?